The Most Efficient Gym Weekly Training Schedule

Many people often have questions about fitness programs. For example, how to arrange exercise time, combination exercise, weight, number of sets and exercise intensity? How to make a plan? What kind of fitness program is the best?

In fact, everyone has different physical characteristics and physique differences. There is no best plan, only according to your own physical fitness (muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, physical fitness, etc.) and needs (muscle growth, shaping, fat loss) ) to determine a plan that works for you! is the best!

Tips: The first task of novice fitness!

1. Understand and master the relevant actions of exercising various parts of the body.

2. Master the movement specifications of the movements, and don't do non-standard movements because of the blind pursuit of weight in fitness.

3. Feel the force-generating process of the target muscle, that is, which muscle you want to exercise, pay attention to the force-generating process of that muscle.

4. During the exercise of the action, ensure the accuracy of the action, prevent the irregular development of the muscle, and fully experience the force-generating process of the target muscle, which is conducive to the deep stimulation of the muscle.

One week general training plan

This is a general training plan that you can adjust according to your physical condition and training level.

Tell us about our training program:

Our training program is focused on strength training! Suitable for both men and women! Warm up for about 10 minutes before each training session, and about 60 minutes for formal training! Remember to relax and stretch for 10 minutes after training

We usually divide the main muscles of exercise into 6 major parts: shoulders, chest, back, arms, abdomen, buttocks and legs! Work out your whole body with one week of cycling!

Among them, two parts are arranged at a time, usually a large muscle set plus a small muscle set.

1. The arm muscles are divided into biceps and triceps, which are interspersed in the training of the chest and back. Because they will also be exercised while training the chest and back, we only need to strengthen the biceps and back in the latter part of the training. Three heads will do, so no separate arm workouts are scheduled!

2. We arrange the abdominal muscles in shoulder training, so it seems that once a week is not enough, you can arrange abdominal training during chest training or rest days, and ensure that you exercise 3 times a week

3. The buttocks muscles will also get relatively good training in the leg training. Just add a few targeted actions to stimulate the buttocks muscles very well!

4. Aerobic exercise can ensure your cardiopulmonary capacity and control body fat rate. It is recommended to do it for 30 minutes after strength training! 3 times a week.

About sets, reps, weights, and rest time between sets

Our gym training plan generally uses multiple movements, multiple sets, and rest between sets for about 60 seconds, which will give your muscles sufficient stimulation. Different movements stimulate muscles from different angles, and multiple sets can fully stimulate your muscles. Stimulate the muscles! Don't rest too long between sets, 60 seconds will keep your muscles engorged throughout!

Weight: rm indicates relative weight, 8rm refers to the weight you can complete up to 8 times in a row, or the maximum weight you can complete 8 times in a row. The premise is the standard of action, don't use force to cheat. In general, use 1-5 rms for maximum strength, 6-12 rms for muscle growth, and 15-20 rms for muscular endurance training. Each set should be done until you feel exhausted. Our recommendation is for boys to use a weight of 8-12RM per set, that is, 8-12 reps per set! Girls use the lighter 15RM.

Monday: Chest + Triceps

Monday is also jokingly known as International Chest Day, and we also follow our conventions to arrange chest training on this day.

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Barbell bench press: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Dumbbell bench press: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Dumbbell Fly: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Triceps push-down: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Standing cable fly: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Bench dips: 3-5 sets*8-12RM 

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Wednesday: Back + Biceps

Barbell deadlift: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Seated pull-down: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Seated rowing: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Barbell bent over row: 3-5 sets *8-12RM

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Barbell curls: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Standing Dumbbell Alternate Curls: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Seated dumbbell curls: 3-5 sets*8-12RM 

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Friday: Shoulder Delts + Abs

Seated dumbbell shoulder press: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Front barbell press: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Front dumbbell raises: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Dumbbell Bent Over fly: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Crunches: 3 sets*15-25RM

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Reverse Crunches: 3 sets*15-25RM

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Crunch rotation: 3 sets*15-25RM 

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Saturday: Glutes

Barbell squat: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Leg press: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Barbell lunges: 3-5 sets*8-12RM

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Leg extension: 3-5 sets *8-12RM

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Weight-bearing glute bridge: 3-5 sets*15-20RM

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Calf Raise: 3-5 sets*15-25RM

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