Is riding an exercise bike a scientific fitness method?

· Things to know

What is the scientific way of fitness?

With the increasing number of fitness groups and the continuous improvement of modern people's living standards, people have begun to pay more attention to health. More and more people are beginning to realize that only by having a healthy body can they have everything. After the pandemic, the public's fitness awareness is high, and they are more pursuing healthy and scientific exercise methods.

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Before answering whether spinning is a scientific way of fitness, let's talk about the definition of "scientific" in sports and fitness. I think there are three aspects. First of all, it must be safe and not harmful to the body. Then there is the effectiveness, whether this exercise can meet your exercise goals, if your goal is to gain muscle, then skipping is unscientific for you. Lastly is fit, which means whether the sport is right for you and whether you have the right equipment. These three points constitute whether a sport is a scientific fitness method for you. Only in this way can you get the desired effect scientifically and safely. To do all of the above, you must understand the theory and methods of exercise science.

Why is spinning a scientific fitness method?

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Spinning bikes were first pioneered in the 1980s by a personal trainer named JOHNNYG. It is a dynamic indoor cycling training course that combines music, lighting, visual effects. By riding in a sitting position, riding in a standing position, and changing speed and speed, the exercise intensity is constantly adjusted, and continuous exercise within a certain period of time can achieve sufficient exercise consumption and physical training. After adding the training atmosphere of music, let the exercise Things get more interesting.

Since its invention, the spinning method of spinning has become the most popular exercise method in the United States for 20 consecutive years, and the course with the best fat reduction effect, and has swept the world.

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In terms of the impact on the body, according to research, an average 45-minute spinning training session can burn about 500 calories. The risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease was reduced by 13 percent for those who regularly and regularly focused on exercising their lower extremities.

Spinning training compresses blood flow through leg exercise, strengthens vascular tissue, improves heart function, and effectively prevents cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Because the blood reaches the lower extremities, which are the farthest from the heart, there needs to be enough power to help the blood return. Lower extremity exercise can effectively promote blood circulation and exercise cardiopulmonary function.

From the perspective of muscle training, what muscles does stationary bike work?when riding a spinning bicycle, the muscles of the whole body will be stimulated, which can help us effectively achieve the purpose of shaping. It fully activates the body's motor cells and consumes energy to achieve the purpose of reducing fat or gaining muscle. Regularly riding a spinning bike can also help to tone your legs.