A Beginner's Guide to Fitness

· Things to know

I believe that many friends who are new to fitness, the biggest confusion is that they do not know how to practice. It is also for this reason that although many people have applied for gym membership cards, they are idle until they expire. Today, I will share with you a fitness guide, so that more friends can learn to exercise.

The essence of fitness consists of three main parts: warm up, exercise and relax!

PART 1. Warm up:

Warming up stimulates the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improving joint mobility and flexibility. It has two phases: a cardio warm-up and a muscle warm-up.

1. Cardio warm up

It is a simple aerobic warm-up, the most commonly used method is jogging. Usually jog for 5-10 minutes. If you are outdoors or it is cold, it is recommended to be active for a while.

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2. Muscle warm-up

It is to warm up the muscles that need strength training. The most common way is to perform multiple muscle training with bare hands or light weights. For example, if the plan is to train the chest today, after the aerobic warm-up, you can use a light weight dumbbell chest press 10 times and do two or three sets. For another example, if you are training legs, you can squat without equipment, squat 10 times, and practice two or three sets. As for how many times to do it, it varies from person to person. You can feel that the muscles have begun to heat up, and a small amount of congestion is enough. Don't let yourself feel exhausted, because you will have to do formal strength training later.

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PART 2. Exercise

1. Strength training

Strength training needs to formulate a fitness plan that suits you. For people who lose fat, they need to maintain their muscles as much as possible. Therefore, strength training is one of the essential training contents, and it is generally controlled within 30 minutes. For fitness enthusiasts or people who want to lose fat and lose weight, it is necessary to divide the muscle groups of various parts of the body into several training days to complete. In this way, not only can the muscle groups of all parts of the body be stimulated enough, but also have sufficient recovery time, so as to achieve the purpose of rapidly improving the training level, and make the muscle groups of all parts of the body develop proportionally and evenly.

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What are the principles of the strength differentiation training plan?

1. Start with free weights before immobilizing the equipment.

2. First compound movements (multi-joint movements) and then single-joint movements.

3. Large muscle groups first, then small muscle groups.

4. Each muscle group can practice 6-12 sets of movements, and the number of repetitions in each set is 8-12 times. Choose 3-6 actions according to the number of sets. For example, if you plan to practice 12 sets, you can choose 3 actions, 4 sets for each action, or 6 actions, 2 sets for each action.

5. The recovery time for each muscle group should not be less than 48 hours.

6. Pay attention to the motor function of the muscles and make a reasonable plan.

2. Cardio training

Aerobic training is mainly used to lose fat and burn fat. There are many ways of aerobic exercise: running, cycling, dancing, fighting, rowing, cycling, swimming, yoga... These are all common aerobic exercises. After strength training, aerobic training can be followed. Aerobic training is appropriate for 30-40 minutes, the longest should not exceed 60 minutes, and moderate training intensity is appropriate.

Professionally speaking, moderate intensity refers to the calorie consumption of 3-6 times the basal metabolism.

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If the human body consumes 1 kcal/kg body weight/hour at rest, then moderate intensity is 3-6 kcal/kg body weight/hour. However, because it is difficult for people to know the degree of calorie consumption when exercising, people usually measure exercise intensity by heart rate.

What is the heart rate for moderate-intensity exercise? The calculation methods vary, but there is a simple and rough calculation method. The moderate-intensity heart rate range: (180-age) *55% to (180-age) *Between 70%. Note that this formula is a simple estimate, not a particularly accurate value, but it can be used as a reference.

If you don't do aerobic training, you can also choose high-intensity training such as HIIT. Aerobic and high-intensity training, you can choose one.

PART 3. Relax and rest:

After strength training and aerobic training, relax and stretch for about 5-10 minutes. The muscles are in a tight state after exercising, and doing some proper stretching at this time will help to relax the muscles, and also help to ensure the quality of sleep after exercise, so that the muscles can recover faster.

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After exercising, you should give your muscles more time to rest. Exercising needs to be persistent and gradual, and it cannot be done overnight. Therefore, when exercising normally, you should grasp your own endurance, choose the amount of exercise you can load, and perseverance is the golden rule.